Q: What method of cleaning do you use for carpet?

Our carpet cleaning process includes 100% STEAM CLEANING using our patented portable truckmount hydro jet steam cleaning system. We use a powerful 100% RESIDUE FREE and earth friendly cleaning solution applied at 300 PSI (pressure per square inch) and extracted with triple vacuum power. This highly effective combination removes the dirt, sand, grit and grime from the carpet and provides the immaculate results that our customers rave about.

Q: What method of cleaning do you use for upholstery?

We use a specialized upholstery cleaning tool called a Hy-Dry Tool that allows us to steam clean most any fabric, even those that would normally require a solvent cleaning or dry clean only method. The tool is designed to thoroughly clean the upholstered fabric without saturating it or the cushions inside. It is similar to being able to clean the shirt on your back without getting your skin wet.

We use a powerful residue free and earth friendly detergent in the cleaning process. This highly effective method removes the dirt sand grit and grime from the upholstered fabric and is the recommended cleaning method of upholstery manufacturers.

Q: How long does it take for the carpet to dry? Is the carpet real wet?

The carpet will take from 2 to 24 hours to completely dry depending on how dense the carpet is and how soiled it was prior to cleaning. You can walk on it right after the technician leaves. The degree of dampness will be similar to how your hair feels when it has been towel dried.

Q: How long does it take for the upholstery to dry?

Upholstery cleaned with our patented Hy-dry tool usually dries in 4 to 6 hours depending on the type of fabric and how soiled it was prior to cleaning. The cleaning process thoroughly cleans the outer fabric without saturating the cushions allowing you to use the pieces soon after we are finished cleaning.

Q: What do you do about the furniture? Do you move the furniture?

Yes. We move the smaller pieces you want moved and work around the big stuff. We do clean up to, around and under larger pieces as permitted by the size of our steam cleaning wand. Moved pieces will be dry or steam cleaned underneath and put back correctly. We do tend to work around larger, heavier pieces as they do crush our protective styrofoam blocks.

Q: Are there any hidden costs or extra charges?

No. Our standard 100% Steam Cleaning process with the residue free detergent is designed to get your carpet completely clean including the removal of all the dirt, sand, grit and grime. The only optional additional services you can add to your service purchase are:

  • Stainguard Protection with CFR Shutout recommended only for carpet and upholstery in good condition to prevent future soils from becoming permanent stains.
  • Extra Deodorizer Enzyme Treatments for excessive odor control and pet urine problems.
  • Extreme Deep Cleaning Products and/or specialty products including stain treatments for situations out of the scope of normalcy that require MORE time and chemicals to obtain the best results.

Q: What about spots and stains? Is stain removal guaranteed? Can you remove things like Kool-Aid stains?

Our standard steam cleaning process includes a powerful residue free detergent and will get the dirt, sand, grit and grime out of your carpet. And while most spots will pop out, some may require additional products to get them out and others may have become permanent stains tattooing themselves to the carpet or upholstery fibers. You see, your carpet and upholstery have dye sites used by the manufacturer to produce their color.

Not all of these dye sites are used in the dying process and remain open. When anything enters these open dye sites it can permanently change the color of the carpet or upholstery. Applying Stainguard Protection helps prevent these dye sites from receiving new colors and is recommended for carpets and upholstery in good condition.

For the best cleaning results it is important to properly maintain your carpet and upholstery by vacuuming regularly, professionally cleaning when they become visibly soiled and avoiding the use of over the counter spotting agents that may cause spots to become permanent stains. Proper maintenance and the condition of the carpet prior to cleaning has a significant effect on the results of your cleaning.

Q: What about pet urine spots and pet odor elimination?

Pet stains and odors are a source of concern for many of our customers. We offer an additional treatment to address these issues. Our pet odor eliminator is an enzymatic cleaning agent that destroys odors and bacteria at their source. Most often the odors are living in the carpet pad beneath the carpet backing or in upholstery cushions below the outer fabric.

Q: What is Stainguard Protection?

We offer Stainguard Protection for carpet and upholstery in good condition. What the stainguard provides is protection from permanent stains. Your carpet and upholstered fabrics consist of fibers that have dye sites used by manufacturers to add the color to the fibers to meet today’s design needs.

The problem is that only a small percentage of these dye sites are ever used in the coloring process. The majority of dye sites remain “open”, becoming potential homes for permanent stains. Once a soil enters the dye site, the soil can ionically bond with the fiber and become as permanent as an actual dye.
We offer CFR’s Shut Out Stainguard Protection.

This revolutionary product can shut out soils from permanently entering the fibers. CFR Shut Out is an anti-stain in-tank product. When added to your order we add Shut Out to our cleaning solution while cleaning, and it will chemically bond with all of the open dye sites of the carpet or upholstery being cleaned.. Think of it as dying your carpets with a clear dye. If all the dye sites are full, it becomes impossible for soils to chemically bond, and they can just be washed away.

Q: Who does the cleaning?

One of our Certified Senior Cleaning Technicians will provide your cleaning service. Our technician will arrive in uniform and driving a lettered company vehicle. They are our employees. We do not use subcontractors.

Q: What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept credit or debit card for payment at the time of service and an emailed copy of your receipt will be sent instantly upon completion for your convenience.

Q: If I schedule and appointment and need to cancel is there a cancellation fee?

24 hours notice is required for any appointment changes or cancellation. Please mark your calendar and inform us of any needed changes prior to the date of service as a cancellation fee of $69.50 will be charged for same day cancellations.
